Saturday, October 10, 2009

On to Rehab

They finally transferred Mark out of ICU and up to Rehab on the fourth floor.  (He had been able to move from ICU sooner, but there just weren't any beds available.)
Technically, he could even go home at this point, but because his leg is so weak, he decided to opt for some therapy that our insurance provides for.  How long he'll be here all depends on how quickly he improves, but it will be anywhere from three to ten days.

The boys finally got to see him today too!  That was good, very very good (for all of us)   :)

If you're in the area, come on in and say hi, if you'd like.  I know he'd like that  :)  Just give us a heads-up if you do, though, so we can make sure he's not in the middle of therapy (which will be at least three hours a day, spread throughout the day).

Many thanks again for all the encouraging notes!  I was able to read several to him today that he hadn't seen yet, and he was really overwhelmed... 

The wi-fi isn't as good up here, so that may slow down communication a bit.  I'll check email and the blog when I can.

1 comment:

  1. Whoopee!!!! Moving on...progress! :-) Yay God!!!!! So glad the boys got to see him. Good medicine. Kids bring a joy to life that otherwise isn't there. Still praying.... Dancing for ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
