Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Are all neurosurgeons like this?

We had the follow-up appointment with the neurosurgeon today.  Most of the time was spent with his very affable P.A.  However, in the three minutes we had with the doctor, he let us know that Mark is healing exceptionally well.  Then, almost as he was walking out of the room, he sort of nonchalantly mentioned that Mark might not recover "full" use of his right leg/foot/toes.  Huh?  This guy cracks us up with his, um, "bedside manner."  Good thing he's otherwise really good at what he does...  And good thing the physical therapist is a bit more optimistic!


  1. Hi guys,
    Sorry for not dropping you line until now but know I have been praying and reading all your updates. Hang in there Mark and family!

    Steve Burdick

  2. Well...he could be Dr. House and just come in and tell you it's lupus! :-)

    p.s. Is that Mark's "kicking" foot/leg? Is he gonna be a goofy-footed snowboarder now? :-)

  3. I LOVE that you two continue to respond with your senses of humor! BTW, I think I've been to that doctor before after reading your description of his bedside manner.(-: Praise God for Mark's speedy progress! With love and continuing prayers, Nancy Williams

  4. Oh yeah, a sense of humor is a MUST. :)
    Thanks for the note, Nancy!

  5. Hmmm, I think he may already BE a goofy-footed boarder :)

  6. Seems to me that the docs with the worst bedside manner are the best brain surgeons. All of his manners power goes for brain smarts instead.
    I am so glad to see you are positive. It sounds silly and a bit selfish, but you are an encouragement to me. We are still praying, and we know that God has the best bedside manner. Praise God for the "exceptional" recovery thus far, and praise Him for the full recovery, full speed ahead! Lots of love!

  7. I'm glad you're encouraged, J ;) That's part of the reason for the blog!
