Friday, September 25, 2009

Wanna see a pic?

If you are interested in seeing a picture of Mark's MRI, let us know and we'll email it to you.
Didn't want to shock anyone by just posting it  :)
Anyway, just wanted to let you know we have it if you are curious.


  1. Are you afraid people will be shocked that there's a brain in there? (teehee!)

  2. Hi Kim: Hope you remember me -- Susan Basham -- my kids attended
    Victory for years. You were just pregnant with your first son when Nick
    was entering fourth grade. We were happy for you but sad to be losing
    you as our teacher! Would like to see the MRI. Our prayers and
    blessings are with you and yours. Will be following the Blog. Love, Susan

  3. Susan! Yes, of course I remember you guys! Thanks for getting in touch, and for the prayer.
    Send me your email address, and I'll email the MRI pic to you. My addy is
    How are you guys doing?? Hope all is well :)

  4. You know me....I would love to see the pic!
