Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"Nothing Special" never sounded so good

Mark had an MRI on Monday, and then we saw the radiation oncologist and the oncologist today.  Even though the oncologists didn't have the final "written report" from the MRI, they were still in communication by phone (and were able to see the MRI pics on CD).  The initial opinion between all three (the two oncologists and the MRI person) is that it all looks good!  In fact, the oncologist said that when he looked at the MRI, he didn't see anything special (I told Mark, "Yay!  You're nothing special!" Ha!)  We were able to see a "cavity" surrounded by scar tissue, and filled with the normal brain/spinal fluid.  There was no indication of any further cancer!
We still have to get that final MRI report, though, as well as talk to the neurosurgeon tomorrow.  We'll update again after that.
Assuming all is well with those results, there is no recommendation for radiation at this time.  Mark will have an MRI every three months next year, so they can continue to monitor him.

Also, some have asked why Mark hasn't had a PET scan or other tests to see if the cancer has spread, or if it came from somewhere else in his body.  We asked specifically about that today.  The answer is, it isn't necessary because that is not the kind of cancer he had.  Cancers are named according to where they originate, and the kind they are.  Mark's started in his brain, and is an "astrocytoma."  It isn't the kind that will spread, nor did it come from somewhere else. 

So, you can probably imagine the relief we are feeling today!!  Again, we still have some hoops to jump through, but we are (cautiously) elated!!
More tomorrow....  Stay tuned.....
(PS ~~ I tried to change some settings, so it may be easier to comment now.)

But I trust in You, O Lord.  I say, "You are my God.  My times are in Your hands."
Psalm 31:14-15

1 comment:

  1. I'm "especially thankful - praise God!!! Hugs to you all, Nancy Williams
